Working at VIEW
Thanks for visiting our VIEW Careers page.
VIEW is one of the most unique companies in real estate from a career point of view. We have some of the nicest people in the Tasmanian property industry working for us on advantageous commission arrangements and we can also provide the opportunity in every office for our employees to become partners. Not a requirement, mind you, just a great opportunity for staff who do well and like working in the people-oriented culture we have established.
Our business is now well established across Tasmania and we anticipate further growth in the next few years. Some of that growth will be with additional offices, with additional partners but also with new people who opt for a sales role only. All good people will be welcome.
At VIEW, aside from providing a supportive work environment, we also like to reward our people for their achievements. Our commission rates and remuneration arrangements are flexible and can be adjusted to suit. Superannuation and annual leave are paid in addition to commission percentages and both are calculated on total earnings, not just the commission advance. At VIEW, we have no set working hours nor office boundaries and we’re completely flexible particularly when it comes to kids and family.
Great rewards apply to all VIEW salespeople. For those that wish at some stage to become a Principal (owner) in our business, we’d be happy to discuss our profit incentives with you. Finally, we are a Tasmanian company, born and bred here, and created by some of the most experienced real estate professionals in the State.
For a confidential, obligation free chat, phone our CEO Adrian Kelly on 0407 444 679 or if you prefer email us now.
VIEW you later!